Why I Write

Unlike other writers, I didn’t have a passion to write at a young age. I wanted to play right wing for the Toronto Maple Leafs. I didn’t write my first novel at 12. I was 62 when I published THE ROAD AHEAD. In fact, I wasn’t a very good writer when I was younger, though I was a dedicated reader. But as you evolve as a person, things obviously change.

I don’t dream about a hockey career anymore. My current passion is to travel and author books. I know there are probably millions of books written each year and every story has been told many times. But I still want to write. It’s not that I’m bored and looking for something to do. This is just the next career path I’ve chosen.

What is my motivation? A good question. It’s not fame or fortune. That’s as likely to happen as playing for the Maple Leafs. I decided to write down a list of reasons for why I write.

  1. I have fun stories in my head that I want to tell and characters who people will enjoy getting to know.
  2. It’s a great way to explore the world around me. Writing is like a journey in which you don’t quite know when and how it will end.
  3. It’s the right career path or me at this time of my life. I don’t want to retire.
  4. Writing is a career that you are totally in control. It is entirely in my own hands.
  5. I feel as though I’m contributing to the world in a positive way.
  6. I wish to add to my legacy in a way that is much different than what I’ve accomplished in the past.
  7. Writing is very challenging and I love to be challenged.
  8. I’m learning new things every day.
  9. It expands my mind in a way that other activities could not possible match.
  10. Writing has opened the door to meeting some very interesting and creative people. I’ve established new relationships and friendships.
  11. Writers are a cool bunch of people to hang out with.
  12. Unlike many other activities or professions, writing is open to any age,  gender, race, or culture.
  13. I love the feedback you get from readers – good and bad.
  14. Writing humor provides reader with an opportunity to escape reality and laugh a little.
  15. There’s so much satisfaction from writing a great line.
  16. I can’t draw, paint or sing.
  17. I write because I’m inspired and I want to inspire.
  18. Writing provides me with the opportunity to comment on the human experience in a unique way.
  19. Words are powerful. I enjoy this type of power.
  20. I admire other writers. I want to be like them.
  21. Writing gives me an excuse to drink more coffee.
  22. I can write anywhere, any time.
  23. I love the reaction when I tell people I write.
  24. Writing can be cathartic and empowering.
  25. I can’t believe I got to 25!

If you are a writer, feel free to add to this list in the comment section. I would love to hear from you.

8 thoughts on “Why I Write

  1. Nick Bergh says:

    26. As demonstrated by the length of your list, writers have a magnificent ability to channel excessive creative energy (aka our ability to BS is unmatched!)


  2. sjgreenhart says:

    I write because one of my characters won’t leave me the heck alone.

    Also, I used to be a theatre nut. Singing and acting were my thing. I also paint. That had to change a few years back. Writing feels like a blend of all those and keeps me from exploding. ;o)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ElusiveStory says:

    Travelling in your imagination and on the page is free! Plus you can go cool places like through a wardrobe or FTL travel. The possible is no longer hampered by reality. 🚀


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